Resurrection Church
A movement of
Passionate Jesus Followers

what we’re about
Our Mission
We are a movement of passionate Jesus Followers who are experiencing God, loving others, building legacy and impacting communities.
we’re excited to see you grow
Our Core Four
We want to see you grow as a passionate Jesus follower. Our Core Four exist to help you experience God, love others, build legacy, and impact your community.
God wants to meet with you. We gather weekly to meet with God, sing to God, listen to God and live for God.

Life Groups
God wants you to live in community. Life Groups help you implement the truths of God in your personal life through ongoing relationships.
Life Ministries
God wants you in his family. Life Ministries give you additional support to help you grow.

Community Impact
God wants you to make an impact. We are called to build lasting legacy where we live, work, learn and play.
Frequently Asked Questions
Have another question? Contact us below.
Theology and good works don’t save us. Jesus saves.
You don't need to hold all of our views to attend our church or to be loved by God. But, we do have beliefs and convictions that we care about and believe in. We will preach, teach, and lead from these. As long as you are okay with that, then so are we.
We believe God has ordained marriage and defined it as a covenantal relationship between one man & one woman for life. So, we only recognize marriage between a biological man and a biological woman. As a result, Resurrection Church only facilitates weddings and the solemnization of marriages between one man and one woman (Gen. 2:24; Matt. 19:4; Eph. 5:25; 1 Pet. 3:7).
We understand that we have LGBTQ+ neighbors, friends, and family members. We believe they have the same value, dignity, and worth all humans have, and should be treated with immense love and kindness. However, we believe humans are called to live as God intended both with gender & marriage.
We believe that the Bible is God's word. When we read and preach the Bible, God is speaking to us. We believe the Bible is inspired (God wrote it through humans), inerrant (without big "E" errors), and infallible (it doesn't deceive us). We believe that the Bible is our lens to view culture and not the other way around. Here is an article we like on this topic.
We believe that God created humans as "embodied souls." This means you are more than just a body, but that your body is intricately connected to who you are as a person. The Bible says that from the beginning God created two separate and distinct biological sexes: male and female. He said this was “very good.” Scripture does not permit any difference between biological sex and gender identity. Any attempt to misconstrue the difference between male/female and/or biological sex/gender identity is a rejection of God’s created order and an attempt to self-create, which is sin. We also acknowledge that there are rare instances where people are born with an indiscriminate biological sex. Yet, these cases do not involve an attempt to self-create nor deny the dignity of how they were born (Gen. 1:26-27; Matt. 19:4; Mark 10:6-7; Psalm 139:14).
We understand that we have LGBTQ+ neighbors, friends, and family members. We believe they have the same value, dignity, and worth all humans have, and should be treated with immense love and kindness. However, we believe humans are called to live as God intended both with gender & marriage.
Meet the Team
Our leaders passionately follow Jesus, and they do their best to impact others with his love for his kingdom.

Bubba lives in North Tacoma with his wife, Shelly, and their two boys. Bubba attended Western Seminary and has a degree in Church Leadership. Bubba is also a Christian entrepreneur, running a Real Estate company called Greater City Investments. When he’s not preaching, leading, or crunching numbers he can be found drumming his heart out to a good Tool track on the church drum set!

Dave lives in Puyallup with his wife, Jacquie, their three kids, Caleb, Taylor, and Izzy, and their two dogs, Roxy and Milo. Dave worked in Emergency Medical Services before he transitioned to working in vocational ministry in Executive roles. Dave loves nothing more than relaxing with his family at state parks and exploring PNW lakes on his paddle board.

Drew lives in Port Orchard with his wife Sarah and their son, Elias. Drew went to Azusa Pacific University and received a degree in Biblical Studies. He knows Ancient Hebrew so well, it’s almost like it isn’t a dead language. You can catch Drew and Sarah hiking a trail, enjoying a day at home, or playing tennis or pickleball at a local park.

Peter lives in East Tacoma with his wife, Stephanie, and their three boys, Abel, August, and Sam. He is passionate about contextualizing the Gospel for modern America, specifically millennials, in an increasingly technological and polarizing world. He can be found reading Church Fathers for fun or gaming on his N64 with his friends. Connect with Peter at

Cam lives in University Place with his wife Kait, and their four boys, Shepherd, Johnny, Matthew and Emmett. Cam loves leading worship and writing new music. He is a music lover at heart, but also enjoys watching the Mariners (maybe this year is our year).
Jacquie lives in Puyallup with her husband Dave and their three kids. Jacquie is passionate about teaching kids to love Jesus, their Bibles, and those around them. She loves cheering her kids on at sporting events, going on fun PNW adventures, playing games with friends (with Catan and Ticket to Ride being favorites), and connecting over a cup of coffee.
Shelly lives in North Tacoma with her husband, Bubba, and their two boys. Shelly serves as the Director for Women’s Ministry and leads a worship team on Sundays. Shelly loves music and can be found enjoying new & old tracks alike, from bands like The Beatles/The Police to bands like Mumford & Sons/Kings Kaleidoscope.

Jim lives in Gig Harbor with his amazing wife, Claudia. They have 11 kids awesome kids, and they love serving the church together. Jim works in construction, and volunteers his time as an elder.

Catch lives in North Tacoma with his wife Laurel and their 2 daughters. He works as a physical therapist, and he loves being active in the PNW, working out at his crossfit gym, and cheering for his 49ers.

Josiah lives in Port Orchard with his wife, Rosalia, and their daughter. Josiah works in software development, and loves writing and playing music, sipping good coffee, and being a dad.