Impacting communities
the City
Jesus came to serve, not to be served. Learn how you can serve our city and region below!

Make a difference
Our Local Partners
We partner with these amazing local organizations to serve our communities and neighborhoods.
Care Net
Olive Crest
Saturate the Sound
Tacoma Rescue Mission
Youth for Christ
Gates Gators
Racial Reconciliation Network
Make a difference
Our Global Partners
Learn about our globals partners and how to get involved with their mission.

Serve the Children
Serve the Children was founded to give opportunity to children without hope. They are the poor and the hungry who currently have no access to education. Vulnerable to child labor, sickness, malnutrition, and a lifetime of poverty, they have little chance to rise above the hard circumstances of their lives.

Timothy Initiative
The Timothy Initiative partners with local leaders in some of the least reached areas of the world to train disciple makers and church planters. Resurrection Church is partnering with this amazing organization to help plant 100 churches. To learn more and get connected, click the button below!